Movie Review: Fictionalized Biography With Limited Potential Works Wonders!- Sully!
***Spoiler Alert!*** Clint Eastwood is a Legend! At 85, his American Sniper (overrated) instantly grabbed 6 Academy Award Nominations. Tom Hanks is another Legend who needs no introduction. The team-up of these two Legends to tell an untold story of 'Miracle on Hudson' pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger created enough buzz among the movie world. The Trailer created enough attention to become one of the biggest movies of this year. Though the movie works, the "true events" play minimal part in this thrilling tale. Sully wakes up from a nightmare as he crashes Flight 1549. This happens the same day as he actually saves the flight (partially!) and 155 passengers in it by force landing on 'The Hudson River' after losing both the engines after a bunch of birds crash into them. What follows is a couple of days investigation from NTSB, who thinks Sully landing the plane on The Hudson was a bad move and finally clearing him off after a dramatiz...