The Ultimate Oscars Post- 2018
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences award movies every year on various categories. Though there are various institutions that award movies every year, The Academy's Oscars are still considered the most prestigious and movie enthusiasts across the world look forward for this. The Academy brings into light so many underappreciated movies with the Oscars that the world would probably not pay that much of interest otherwise. Last year's Moonlight , the Best Picture Academy Award winner is such an example, for a movie which wasn't paid any heed until it was nominated for the Oscars. Though there have been quite a few misfires from The Academy, rewarding the wrong movie or actor or actress every now and then, it maintains it's credibility by actually contributing to the Industry and in it's willingness to develop for better every passing year. We will be looking at movies that are nominated for Oscars 2018, major categories in this post and will draw out po...