8 Hollywood Movies Ruling this Oscars!
A movie is called a good one when it is able to entertain it's audience. What makes a movie great is if that movie succeeds in connecting with the audience and stays with them long after the movie has ended. The Oscars is a celebration of such movies. A platform where the world is made aware of the great films that were released in that specific year, which would've been lost and withered off if otherwise. Many great movies do not get the publicity they deserve owing to comparatively less budget they were made against their action/adventure counterparts. A way larger group of people were well aware of Furious 7 than Spotlight, which in turn won The Best Picture Oscar 2016. The Oscars make sure that a great movie reaches greater group of audience it deserves. Though there were fairly good number of cases where the Academy's judgement was wrong (The Crash winning Best Picture against The Brokeback Mountain, for one), their credibility is still intact today for the service th...